使用方法:/使用方法/ 1.洁面后,用爽肤水或纯净水湿润面部,将冻干面膜贴于面部肌肤; 2.向面膜喷洒纯净水,直至膜布吸收状态完全饱和并可以保持良好的服帖状态; 3.静享15-20分钟后取下面膜; 4.按压至剩余精华成分充分沁入即可。 /Usage/ 1.After cleansing, moisten the face with toner or purified water, and stick the freeze-dried facial mask on the face; 2. Spray pure water on the facial mask until the absorption state of the film cloth is completely saturated and it can keep a good fit; 3. Take off the facial mask after 15-20 minutes; 4. Press until the remaining essence is fully absorbed.
/注意/ 本品因个人肤质不同,建议在更换产品时,过敏肤质者初次使用前先做皮肤测试,如感不适,请立即停止使用。 /Attention/ Due to different skin types, it is recommended to conduct skin test for allergic skin before using the product for the first time. If you feel uncomfortable,please stop using the product i