使用方法:使用方法:洗净并擦干双手,取适量本品于掌心,然后按摩于脸部,溶解彩妆或脸部污垢等杂质,可搭配化妆棉擦拭并冲洗干净即可。 Usage:Wash and dry your hands,take anappropriate amount of this product in the palmof your hand, then massage it on your face todissolve impurities such as makeup or facialdirt, wipe off with a cotton pad and rinse off.
注意:避免儿童抓拿误食,以免造成不必要的伤害;如不慎误入眼睛,请立即用大量清水冲洗。 Note: Avoid eating by children,so as not tocause unnecessary injury; if it gets into theeyes accidentally, please rinse immediatelywith plenty of water.